MA Small Claims Wiki

Template for email "how-to" for clients on demand letter:

If you cannot resolve the issue by negotiating, a typed demand letter is the first step before going to court.
It should include:

  • A chronology of the events prompting the letter. This should include the dates and details of all relevant interactions, as well as an explanation of why you feel you have been wronged (i.e. what laws have been broken/rights have been violated).
  • A statement of the remedy you request (e.g. a payment of $500 or correction of the shoddy repair work).
  • A clear statement of intent to sue in small claims court if this demand is not met within thirty days (a recommended, not mandatory, period of time).

Please keep in the mind the following logistical items:

  • Address the letter to the individual or proper business name of the entity you are contacting.
  • Send copies of the letter two ways: certified mail, return receipt requested AND regular, first class mail. If you receive the certified mail receipt back, you can assume the letter was received as long as the first class mail is not returned.
  • Keep at least one copy of the letter for your own records. A demand letter is a very helpful piece of evidence in court, as it shows that you made a "good faith effort" to resolve the situation prior to bringing it to court.

Please let us know if you need any help creating the demand letter.
